Monday, November 4, 2013

At Home in India Again

Paul has always felt as though he's come "home" upon arriving in India. Almost everything feels, sounds, smells and tastes somehow "better". Much has changed in the 23 years since we last lived here, but It still feels like home! There's a big part of Lynn's heart that is at home here, too. We've been back "home" for a little over a week now, and it's been a very full week!

Getting to India from Canada went smoothly, but the trip was not without adventure. After a delightful few days with Paul's parents and the rest of his Ontario family, we boarded a Jet Airways flight from Toronto to Delhi on Oct. 28th. It was 18 hours from the time we took off in Toronto until we landed in Delhi, but there was a brief stop in Brussels. That's what led to our little adventure. We were required to go through Brussels Airport security, and Paul neglected to return his laptop to his computer bag after the security check!

It was a bit of a shock to discover there was no laptop when Paul opened his computer bag in Delhi. Thanks to the brilliant efforts of Jet Airways staff, the missing laptop was located in Brussels Airport security's lost-and-found, put on a flight to Delhi, and then on another flight to Dehradun, where Paul picked it up. Jet Airways could not have done a better job for us!

After 3 busy days taking care of business in Delhi--changing money, establishing new cell phone connections, shopping to set up our apartment, etc.--we hired a car to drive us and our piles of luggage to Mussoorie. In the clips below, we share typical traffic conditions along the road between Delhi and Mussoorie--in a small town, and then in the country.

Since arriving in Mussoorie, we've spent time connecting with longtime friends and establishing connections with new friends. We've made a start on cleaning and setting up our apartment. We've also picked up our new motorbike. Tomorrow, we'll have our first major bike challenge as we navigate traffic to visit friends in Selaqui, which is about 50 km from where we're staying.

Today, Paul will do some final preparation of laptops that will be delivered soon to GEMS, the nearby school where he will spend some time be helping out. 

Til next time...

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