Saturday, December 20, 2014

At Home at Pine Point & Walking in Landour

It was more than exciting to bring Aaron, Isaac and Annika home to our little Pine Point apartment. Our home is suddenly full of life. The small flat is definitely full, but there still seems to be plenty of room. Fortunately, the weather has been dry, and the children have been making creative use of our gravel front yard.

On our first morning together in Mussoorie, there was high cloud in the sky, but the air was unusually clear. That afforded exceptional views in all directions. So, we decided to spend the day walking the Landour hillside. Landour is forested part of part of Mussoorie where we live. It's also where Aaron spent his earliest years.

The slideshow below shares our Landour walk, as well as a little of our time at home. As you'll see, our resident Landour monkeys featured prominently in our first day together in Mussoorie.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting pictures of Aaron and the kids Paul! It's fascinating to see where Aaron spent his childhood! :)
