Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reunion in Mussoorie -- Day 2

Day 2 of our reunion was a long and packed day! It's a good thing that we are in the digital era because I'm certain that several thousand photographs were shot. It has taken me longer than I would have liked to process and upload the images by Lynn and me that I've put into a LONG slide show.

This post recounts our "Woodstock Day". After walking from Ivy Bank and Doma's Inn to Woodstock, we assembled at the school gate for a rather lengthy and boisterous photo shoot. We moved from there to the Alumni Office, where we were welcomed warmly and the tone was again loudly enthusiastic. 

Following an extended visit at the Alumni Office, we began a tour of the school, with Judy (Smith) Crider as our guide. After her many years of distinguished service on Woodstock's staff, no one could have been better equipped for the task! Students are away this week for Quarter Break, so we had the run of the place. There was no need for hushed tones, and we were free to explore virtually anywhere we wished on campus without feeling as though we were intruding.

Our tour began in the Quad, and eventually proceeded up the ramp to the high school and the gym. After lunch in the staff dining room, we headed down to the dorms--Hostel, Ridgewood, Midlands, and finally Alter Ridge. For me, the visit to Karen's apartment there was the highlight of the day. Karen's hospitality was fabulous and her baking all tasted like some more!

Even better than the treats we enjoyed at Karen's place, was the opportunity to hear Karen share her passion for providing the middle school girls in her care with sensitive support to help them grow in character and to develop practical life skills. The girls on Karen's floor are truly blessed! At this time of life when many of us are becoming grandparents, Karen has found a new calling. She's making a huge difference in young lives. 

From Alter Ridge, we made our way out Tehri Road to Hannifl Center, where we learned of many ways that Hannifl Center is facilitating outdoor education and environmental studies for Woodstock students. It was heartening to learn that Hannifl's influence extends well beyond Woodstock. Among numerous examples, Hannifl Center hosts camping trips for less privileged children from Delhi schools. Finally, we enjoyed a excellent meal in the dining room at Hannifl.

It was long and full and wonderful day. The lengthy slide show embedded below is a labour of love primarily for classmates who are unable to be here, but even if you are not among that number you may enjoy looking in on us.

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