Saturday, December 28, 2013

Eight Year Old Girl Earns a Living by Tightrope Walking

We've come to Delhi to escape Mussoorie's cold for a few days. It's by no means warm in Delhi, but warmth is a relative thing...

The overnight train trip from Dehradun was delightful! We traveled 2nd class "3-tier sleeper", where sleeping berths are stacked three deep. The total fare for both of us for the 340 km journey was Rs. 230--the equivalent of only $3.95. It helps that we now travel Indian Railways as "senior citizens". Men over the age of 60 get a 40% discount. Women who are 58 and older get 50% off!

This morning, just outside the gate of "our" Hotel Kabli, we experienced some wonderful street entertainment. While we thoroughly enjoyed the performance, it was also thought provoking. Most 8 year olds go to school, play with friends, and then maybe help with family chores. But here we watched an 8 year old girl working with an older brother and sister to earn family income. The creativity, practiced skill, teamwork, and entrepreneurial spirit are admirable!

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