Saturday, December 28, 2013

Eight Year Old Girl Earns a Living by Tightrope Walking

We've come to Delhi to escape Mussoorie's cold for a few days. It's by no means warm in Delhi, but warmth is a relative thing...

The overnight train trip from Dehradun was delightful! We traveled 2nd class "3-tier sleeper", where sleeping berths are stacked three deep. The total fare for both of us for the 340 km journey was Rs. 230--the equivalent of only $3.95. It helps that we now travel Indian Railways as "senior citizens". Men over the age of 60 get a 40% discount. Women who are 58 and older get 50% off!

This morning, just outside the gate of "our" Hotel Kabli, we experienced some wonderful street entertainment. While we thoroughly enjoyed the performance, it was also thought provoking. Most 8 year olds go to school, play with friends, and then maybe help with family chores. But here we watched an 8 year old girl working with an older brother and sister to earn family income. The creativity, practiced skill, teamwork, and entrepreneurial spirit are admirable!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Taking Health Care to the Max in India!

[Please note: I (Paul) am doing well. I'm not sick. There's just something in my lungs that needs to be dealt with--probably something I contracted while chemo had compromised my immune system earlier this year. There is definitely no cause for alarm. We just want to share about the fabulous medical care available to us.]

After a chilly early morning motorbike ride down the mountain from Landour to Deheradun, the first thing Lynn and I noticed when we entered Max Hospital was the wonderful central heating. Central heating is extremely rare here, but it's symbolic of the high quality of care we've received at Max.

Max is a truly beautiful new medical facility, and it offers high quality care at an affordable price. I first went to Max on Monday because my doctors in Canada had asked me to have a follow up CT scan in mid-December. Monday's scan at Max was expertly done with the best equipment. On Monday, I also consulted with 2 radiologists and 2 oncologists. The total bill  for Monday was the equivalent of $65 (US).

We went back to Max again today so I could have a needle biopsy to determine the nature of a possible infection in my lungs. This biopsy had been attempted unsuccessfully in Canada in September. Today's attempt was also unsuccessful, but we were impressed by the way the attempt was undertaken. There were 4 specialists in the room during the procedure, available for any contingency. I was kept at the hospital for observation for several hours afterward. Much of that time was spent in the attractive cafe that serves as cafeteria. (The second shot below shows the lovely outdoor "garden" seating for the cafeteria.)


Amazingly, since the procedure was unsuccessful, we were not billed anything for the testing and care we received today! There were several informal consultations to help us determine how to proceed next. We'll be sharing those recommendations with our doctors in Canada, and soliciting their perspectives, before proceeding.

We are truly blessed by the quality of medical care that is readily available to us. As a parting shot, here's a photo of our red Honda Unicorn among friends in the bike parking lot at Max...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Saturday Outing to Dehradun, Mohund and The Siwaliks

Last Saturday, we had some business in Dehradun. We decided to leave early, and drive down the mountain at the time of day when traffic is at it's lightest. Since that put us into Dehradun long before the opening hour for shops, we took a drive out the Delhi road to the Siwalik Hills. We found and followed an old forest road where we had a memorable family adventure 25 years ago when our children were young.

Here's a slideshow with a little commentary to share some of our Saturday experience.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Garhwal Village Visits and Diwali Dancing


On Tuesday and Wednesday, Lynn and I enjoyed wonderful hospitality in Sainji village as the guests of Kunwar and Lori Chauhan--founders, facilitators and teachers of GEMS School. On Wednesday, they drove us by jeep to visit two other villages--Saurav and Kandi--on the opposite side of the Aglar River. Children come from both villages and board in Sainji so they can attend GEMS. Everywhere we went, we were welcomed warmly. It is clear that Kunwar and Lori are much appreciated for their work.

Here's a slideshow that shows just a little of the natural beauty, the amazing colors of Garhwali life, and the gracious hospitality we enjoyed on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The impetus for our invitation to Sainji this week was the celebration of Garhwali Diwali. This occurs approximately one month after the Diwali that is celebrated in most other parts of India. Local traditions are uniquely colorful. For example, in villages with sufficient population, a special rope is created and used in a tug of war in which almost the entire village participates. The Diwali celebrations occurred after dark, so we were unable to get pictures.

I'm sharing one brief video clip that gives at least a taste of the Diwali celebration in Sainji. It shows a delightful Garhwali dance. The only musical accompaniment is from a couple of drums and the singing of the dancers. Notice how the men and the women sing in response to each other.

Monday, December 2, 2013

GEMS Throws a Birthday Party


On December 1st, Garwhal English Medium School (GEMS) was four years old, and on Saturday GEMS threw a marvellous birthday bash. Parents were invited, and the children put on a delightful program for them. Students, teachers and parents alike were deservedly proud, not just of what they shared on Saturday, but of their school and all it has come to mean to their community.  

Lynn and I were privileged to be part of the celebration. Lynn took literally hundreds of photos, and I shot video clips. We're sharing just a small portion of what our cameras captured. The pictures and images speak for themselves, and they're worth far more than anything else we might write. So, please enjoy and celebrate with GEMS!

Slide Show
(Please be sure to view the slide show in full screen mode!)
'One Fine Day' and 'Hokey Pokey'