Thursday, October 10, 2013

Change is a Given and Change is a Gift

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed something as obvious 2,500 years ago as it is today... Change is the only constant in lifeIt seems we have been "in transition" for a rather long time. 

Our current season of transition has involved some major changes. This spring, Lynn facilitated the sale of her parents' home and completed the Herculean task of winding up their estate. At the end of June, Paul "retired" from his position of ten years as an assistive technology consultant with SET-BC. July saw the completion of 8 cycles of chemo that successfully dealt with Paul's lymphoma. In September, our daughter Anjali was married to Nathan Sihlis. 

So many significant changes, so many gifts and opportunities!

Now it's October, and we're on our way... back to India for six months. On the 22nd, we'll fly from Comox to Toronto for a brief visit with Paul's family in Ontario. On the 26th, we'll board a Jet Airways flight from Toronto to New Delhi. On the 31st, we'll travel by taxi from Delhi to Mussoorie.

For the next 6 months, we'll be based in the beautiful Himalayan community of Mussoorie. This is a wonderful gift in too many ways to list--especially the chance to reconnect with a country and community that we both love, as well as opportunities to use some of our gifts. Paul looks forward to helping out at GEMS, a special school in Sainji. Lynn doesn't know yet exactly how her time will be occupied, but she knows there are numerous options awaiting her.

A few Mussoorie images taken during a brief 2010 visit...

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