Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Pine Point -- Our Mussoorie Home

We're leaving Mussoorie today. How can it be that our six months in India is already over?!? We'll take the overnight "Mussoorie Express" to Delhi this evening, and we fly back to Canada from Delhi late Sunday night. 

It feels literally as though we are just settling in here. That's partly because it is less than two months since we moved into our Pine Point flat, the place we'll call home when we return each October. Our apartment is small, probably about 350 square feet altogether, but we think it's lovely, and we're sure looking forward to returning to it in October!

We've just begun to make Pine Point "home" and to put personal touches on it, but here's a slideshow that shows the apartment, inside and out. The slideshow also includes some of the wonderful views from our ftont yard. Below the slide show is a somewhat jerky panoramic video that also shares what we can see when we step outside.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mother and Baby Langurs Visit Pine Point

On Saturday afternoon, Lynn asked me to get the camera because some beautiful langur babies had come to visit. There were probably at least 15 gray langurs in the group, but the camera couldn't stay away from the two mothers who were carrying young infants while they fed mostly on the fresh leaf buds of the banj oak trees that surround our Pine Point home. All of the photos in the slide show below were shot in or from our front yard. We hope you enjoy what we've shared here.